We started around 93 this morning. This evening my son comes running into the living room yelling, “Mom! Mom! It’s gone!” At first, I thought, “What did he lose now?” but he came into the room excited rather than upset. He was jumping up and down and happier than I had seen him in a long time.

I asked him what was gone. He says, “Mom, the sensory is gone! I can touch paper, and it’s not bothering me! Then he grabs the paper off the table and shows me. Then he says, “And socks don’t bother me either. I don’t feel sensory anymore!” as he ran into this room to put them on.

I could not believe it. I know it may not last because when we stop the round, it may return because this off an on of symptoms is part of the process. I’m happy it’s gone, even if only while on the round.

When you have been doing a detox this long, you doubt it’s still working. Especially if your child is hiding under a table in a restaurant, complaining about the noise.

Doubt is a normal emotion on this road, but this is reassurance to stay the course.