For some reason, this round was completely different than the last one, which happens sometimes. We don’t usually have a lot of symptoms at this point, but my son is tired. He has had some fatigue lately off rounds. My son did ok on 50mg of ALA. I did run out of I mixed into a 1/4 teaspoon of peanut butter that I spread on a gluten-free cheddar cracker. 

I had a hard time on the round myself, which is unusual, but thankfully he did pretty well. I think my adrenals were just a bit worn down. 

He slept through the night doses, which was great. He’s been tired lately, so we will see his doctor and rule out low iron. 

I hoped for one of those feel-great rounds, but this wasn’t it. 

We completed the round, and the post-round was uneventful, which is typical at this stage.  

We did learn why my son was tired much of the time. (Another Piece of the Puzzle)